Yesterday sat for the "O" level MT re-exam.
It was easier then the mid year,but not really sure can get what I want?
From 8am,paper starts and ended at around 10++.
Went out to mac for breakfast with ng,zac,beng and hy.
After that went back school to continue paper 2.Paper 2,the last section 1st part was kinda hard.Not enough time to finish what i want to write.Had to skip a few sentences.Hope that doesnt affect my grades.
After that went down to outside general office there.Ng they all was infront of me.
At first,dont know whats going on.But after awhile,realise there is a snake infroont of us.OMFG!
It was green color,quite long and thin.Not that scary.
Chase the snake to near general office there.Alot of people stand there watch show.
After watching for 15mins,the OM come out and try to catch it,but the snake slide into the drain.The OM use a thong and hold its tail,but still it get away..-.-"'
Below are the pic of the snake:
(there are more,but this two the most clear.
