Last few days is CNY, so went to relatives house to collect ang pao( the most exciting part of CNY).
CNY eve - father's side
Actual day of CNY - Mother's side
At the end of the CNY, received around S$300 from Ang Pao.Wee.
Oh great! My handphone broke down at the actual day of CNY!
Was listening to songs when it suddenly black screen, and it never function normally again.Now got 2 choices: Repair, or buy.
Most probably will try to fix it. But my warranty already expired,and it might be expensive to repair,but will just try.Maybe market de handphone shop can help too.
Lucky got my ang pao money liao,so worse comes to worse,I will still have money to buy a new handphone.Don't know 1st or 2nd hand de.
Oh ya,bout today.
Chinese teacher didn't come. Have to do the workbook she bought for us.I only managed to complete 6 pages.T.T
JY for "O" level GUYS(and GALS)!!
*and aqua & sissies and whoever you want*(j/k)
"O" level JY!!
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