It was tough..Didn't really notice that behind the question paper got materials..Damm..Lucky did not spent much time to figure that out..
Not confident in passing,cos missed out few point..
CS coursework!!FINALLY!!Queiries of calculations know how to do..Trying for the past 1 week without success..Today finally made it!!
Before going for CCA, daidi in class as usual.
Went to CCA at 2pm++..
Started on web surfing..Hardworking eh?
Today don't know what occasion.
NPCC,AVA both come to com lab..They got something to do..Dicky came for some AVA stufss(Deleting and organising pictures in folders..>.<)
After CCA went to find Kelvin Tay to pass him geog file/notes, SS file and homework..
"O" level JY!!
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